Römisches Kriegsschiff ca.50 v. Chr
: K072AY14207 28,50 EUR * -
U-Boot VII C, Engine section
: K072CK72003 44,90 EUR * -
U-VII crew at rest - part I
: K072CK72118 8,50 EUR * -
U-Boot VII 8,8 cm Besatzung
: K072CK72131 8,50 EUR * -
U-VII armament crew in port
: K072CK72132 7,95 EUR * -
U-Boot VII Besatzung / 2
: K072CK72133 8,50 EUR * -
Torpedos und Zubehör
: K072CK80306 19,90 EUR * -
Submarine Crew on the Deck
: K072CK80396 8,90 EUR * -
Submarine Crew on the Deck
: K072CK80397 14,90 EUR * -
U-Boot Type XXVII Seehund early
: K072ICS006 16,90 EUR * -
U-Boot Typ XXVIIB late
: K072ICS007 16,90 EUR * -
WWII LCM 3 USN Landing Craft
: K072TU07213 15,50 EUR * -
JMSDF LCAC landing craft
: K072TU07301 59,90 EUR * -
USMC Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)
: K072TU07302 62,50 EUR *